Hai temans, perkenalkan aku Muhammad Dadang Kurnia, admin dan Content Writer di Blog Generasi Belajar ini 🙂
Melalui blog ini, aku ingin berbagi apa aja hal yang telah aku pelajari baik itu melalui Buku, Seminar, serta juga Pengalaman Hidup.
Fokus dari tulisan di blog ini adalah artikel yang terkait tentang Entrepreneur, Informasi Kuliah di Luar Negeri, serta juga Digital Marketing. Semoga bermanfaat yah temans ^^
Disini juga aku mengajak teman-teman untuk bergabung ke sebuah Komunitas Bisnis Online dan dapatkan materi pembelajaran GRATIS via email bagaimana berjualan melalui Website, Google, Facebook, serta Instagram dan lainnya.
Silahkan daftar di
Selain menulis, aku juga aktif berbagi ilmu Digital Marketing, mulai dari membuat website hingga pemasaran di dunia Digital. Baik itu tujuannya untuk Personal Branding ataupun juga mempromosikan bisnis kalian agar cepat Go Nasional.
Yang mau sharing atau tanya-tanya bisa langsung ke Whatsapp 089519229936
Santai ajaa, nanya-nanya gak bayar kok :p
Oh iya, jangan lupa ya visit juga blog pribadi aku yang berisi pengalaman traveling keliling Indonesia hingga negeri jiran di www.dangkurexplorer.com
Yuk saling berbagi manfaat dan berkolaborasi temans 🙂
I just wondered if you’ve planned any marketing yet for you’re site. I’m self-employed doing this for various businesses for a number of years now, I feed my family doing it so I won’t complain. I have a way of getting immediate interested traffic and buyers to your site through social media channels and email. As well as getting more likes, followers for all of your social accounts. I have a new program that has just been completed that listens to all tweets being made, if a certain word or phrase is detected, we instantly send back to them a tweet that they should visit our site. We can use as many search terms as we want, 100’s of targeted visits a day. I can even help you make a site, fix site errors add updates etc. if you might need it.
In addition to that, I’d also like to find out what your competitors have done that we havn’t done yet and address those issues asap. I’d also like to make a video or 2 about your site and get them to rank high pretty quickly. Lastly I have a large database of opt in customers that are interested in what it is you do, so if you’d like to expand your current newsletter list let me know, I can get you these records whenever you’d like them. They would get you instant leads by supplying you with a list of people or businesses that are looking for exactly what it is you’re offering.
I use tools that a lot of people dont know about or don’t have time to use for themselves and would like to use them for your site. If your to busy with current clients I get it, I was just wondering was all. Let me know if youd like more information or references, I have more than I know what to do with.